
Uniform data format for lighting planning


by DIAL GmbH and RELUX Informatik AG

22 May 2019
Uniform data format for lighting planning

Lüdenscheid/Basel: DIAL and RELUX are planning to work together on the development of a new, open data format for luminaires and sensors that can be used in the companies' two lighting planning programs, DIALux (DIAL) and RELUX, among other things.

The future lies in digital processes. This is why the demands placed by users and industry on electronic product data are also increasing. Digital planning methods, such as BIM, call for data that can be processed in a uniform manner. The two companies are aiming to meet these challenges with an open data format that can be employed for import and further processing purposes.

Contrary to the case for the frequently used IES and LDT formats, the new data format is to contain more comprehensive information on the product. This can include parameters such as geometry, photometry, textual descriptions, product photos, and dynamic regulation and controllability.

The open data format has many advantages for both lighting planners and manufacturers. Through this cooperation, manufacturers who are actively involved in the development process will only need to provide one format for the two lighting planning programs of DIALux and RELUX. This will increase the data quality available on the market and ensure that it is more up-to-date. In addition, products can be simulated even more realistically in the planning process. 

"DIALux is a high-performance and open product – and one that needs an open data format to go with it too. We want to make life easier for planners and manufacturers with DIALux", says Dieter Polle, CEO DIAL GmbH.

"The creation of product data needs to be standardised and continually adapted to requirements so as to ensure high-quality, trouble-free further processing. Both manufacturers and users benefit from a great deal of added value", explains Markus Hegi, CEO & Partner of RELUX Informatik AG.

The cooperating partners will be making a start on the work this year and will be jointly reporting on the progress made.

Background information on DIAL GmbH and RELUX Informatik AG

The software programs DIALux (DIAL GmbH) and Relux (RELUX Informatik AG) are used for professional lighting planning throughout the world and are free of charge for the user. More information is available at www.dial.de and www.relux.com.


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